The Days are Long the Years are Short
1st quarter statements have been distributed. The statements show your values from one quarter to the next. This is short term and with March having been one of the steepest 1-month declines in history the negative numbers can be disconcerting. In fact, if you were to review your account(s) with the inclusion of April you would find a much-improved number from the end of March.
The "New Normal"
You have been hearing several new terms in recent months, frankly, like it or not, we must accept them. Some of the terms include, “essential services”, “asymptomatic”, “social distancing”, “flattening the curve”, and the “new normal”.
A Rock in a Puddle
Have you ever dropped a rock or stirred up a puddle of water to notice how murky it becomes? The more you poke it the worse it gets. The only way for the water to become clear again is to leave it alone.